A Death in Singapore

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After a lengthy hiatus, Indonesia has again started executing prisoners. The uproarious disapproval of much of the International community has been mostly unheeded by Indonesia’s recently elected government. I understand there is a case to be made that drug trafficking can be ruinous to a nation and its people, and that the death penalty may have an impact in curtailing this; But… do we really want to give governments and politicians the power to encroach on our lives in this most personal and individual way. The above pictures are of the family of Vignes Mourthi, the son of poor rubber tappers from Malaysia. He was accused and convicted of bringing a quantity of heroin into Singapore and was executed by hanging. His lost family stumbled about the streets of an unfamiliar city trying to make sense of the following letter which they received from the Government of Singapore:

“Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that the death sentence passed on Vignes S/O Mourthi will be carried out on 26 Sep 2003. You and other family members may visit him from 23 Sep 2003 to 25 Sep 2003. You are advised to make the necessary funeral arrangements. If you are unable to do to so, cremation will be carried out by the state.
For further information please contact…”

I just think there’s already been too much power conceded to governments and politicians in the name of security.